Chicago architecture, 1872-1922 : birth of a metropolis Author Zukowsky, John ; Bruegmann, Robert ; Chappell, Sally ; Clausen, Meredith L. ; Draper, John E. ; Geraniotis, Roula M. ; Harrington, Elaine ; Harris, Neil ; Klotz, Heinrich ; Larson, Gerald R. Document type Catalogue d'exposition Source bibliogr.; index ; 480 p. ; 1987 Publisher Dist. by te Neues, New York (usa) Publication country United States Exhibition Art Institute of Chicago ; Chicago (IL, USA) ; United States Deutsches Architekturmuseum ; Frankfurt am Main (DEU) ; Germany Musée d'Orsay ; Paris (FRA) ; France Referenced by 19910101-00447040 Origin Database BHA (Inist-CNRS/GRI)
Identifier 19910101-00447039
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