Perpetual motif : the art of Man Ray Author Foresta, Merry ; Foster, Stephen C. ; Klüver, Billy ; Martin, Julie ; Naumann, Francis ; Phillips, Sandra S. ; Shattuck, Roger ; Turner, Elizabeth Hutton Document type Catalogue d'exposition Source Perpetual motif : the art of Man Ray . sd, 348 p.Publisher Abbeville Press Publication country United States Exhibition 14 Oct 1989-7 Jan 1990 ; Philadelphia Museum of Art ; Philadelphia (PA, USA) ; United States 17 Mar-28 May 1989 ; Museum of Contemporary Art ; Los Angeles (CA, USA) ; United States 30 June-17 Sept 1989 ; Menil Collection ; Houston (TX, USA) ; United States Smithsonian American Art Museum ; Washington, DC (USA) ; United States Referenced by 19910101-00447252 Origin Database BHA (Inist-CNRS/GRI)
Identifier 19910101-00447251
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