Cultura degli arazzi fiamminghi di Marsala tra Fiandre, Spagna e Italia : atti del convegno internazionale, Marsala, Auditorium di S. Cecilia 7-9 luglio 1986. 1988, p. 59-67
Soprintendenza per i beni culturali ed ambientali di Palermo, Palermo (ita)
Publication country
Describes the background and Hapsburg connections of the Netherlandish humanist Wigle van Aytta, but notes that there is no evidence to support the suggestion of Nicole Dacos that he might have been the author of the iconographic program for the tapestry series Scenes from the Jewish War of Titus and Vespasian after Peter de Kempener (Museo Arazzi Fiamminghi, Marsala).
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