Mary Cassatt, the color prints. 1989, 207 p., ill. (some col.); sel. bibliogr.; index
H.N. Abrams in association with Williams College Museum of Art, New York (usa)
Publication country
United States
Exhibition of the 23 known color prints which were produced ca.1889-1897, mainly combinations of etching, aquatint and drypoint. Catalogue essays include: Nancy Mowll Mathews, The color prints in the context of Mary Cassatt's art; and Barbara Stern Shapiro, Mary Cassatt's color prints and contemporary French printmaking.
18 June-27 Aug 1989 ; National Gallery of Art ; Washington, DC (USA) ; United States
25 Nov 1989-21 Jan 1990 ; Williams College, Museum of Art ; Williamstown (MA, USA) ; United States
9 Sept-5 Nov 1989 ; Museum of Fine Arts, Boston ; Boston (MA, USA) ; United States
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