Gari Melchers, a retrospective exhibition Author Lesko, Diane (Editor); Persson, Esther (Editor)Document type Catalogue d'exposition Language English Source Gari Melchers, a retrospective exhibition . 1990, 239 p., ill. (some col.); sel. bibliogr.ISBN 1878390007 Publisher Museum of Fine Arts, St. Petersburg, FL (usa) Publication country United States Abstract
Contains eight essays on various aspects of Melchers's life and work, and full catalogue entries for 59 paintings. Exhibition 11 Mar-6 May 1990 ; Museum of Fine Arts of Saint Petersburg, Florida ; Saint Petersburg (FL, USA) ; United States 11 Sept-4 Nov 1990 ; National Academy Museum and School of Fine Arts ; New York (NY, USA) ; United States 5 June-5 Aug 1990 ; Telfair Museum of Art ; Savannah (GA, USA) ; United States 8 Apr-2 June 1991 ; Virginia Museum of Fine Arts ; Richmond (VA, USA) ; United States 8 Dec 1990-17 Feb 1991 ; Detroit Institute of Arts ; Detroit (MI, USA) ; United States Subject
Origin Database BHA (Inist-CNRS/GRI)
Identifier 19910101-00448721
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