Connections : art exhibition catalogues in the art school library Author Byrne, Nadine Document type Article (acte de congrès) Language English Conference title Cataloghi delle esposizioni : atti del terzo Convegno europeo delle Biblioteche d'arte (IFLA), Firenze, 2-5 novembre 1988 Author (monograph) Lazzi, Giovanna (Editor, Collective Author); Calcagni Abrami, Artemisia (Editor, Collective Author); Leckey, Eve (Editor, Collective Author)Source Cataloghi delle esposizioni : atti del terzo Convegno europeo delle Biblioteche d'arte (IFLA), Firenze, 2-5 novembre 1988 . 1989, p. 229-238Publisher Casalini libri, Fiesole (ita) Publication country Italy Abstract
Discusses the use of exhibition catalogues at the Library of the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Subject
Origin Database BHA (Inist-CNRS/GRI)
Identifier 19910101-00448851
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