Michelangelo a Capodimonte : il restauro del cartone per gli affreschi della Cappella paolina a Roma. 1988, 36 p., 14 ill. (11 col.); diagrams
Olivetti, [S.l.] (ita)
Publication country
Describes and illustrates the restoration of the only surviving cartoon (Naples, Museo e Gallerie Nazionali di Capodimonte) for Michelangelo's fresco (ca.1546) of the Crucifixion of S. Peter in the Cappella Paolina in the Vatican. The cartoon depicts a group of three soldiers (from the lower left portion of the fresco). The results of scientific analysis are included.
15 July-25 Sept 1988 ; Museo di Capodimonte ; Napoli (ITA) ; Italy
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