Author Baglione, Giovanni ; Barroero, Liliana (Editor, Author of introductory parts); Maggiorani, Monica (Contributor); Pujia, Cinzia (Contributor)Document type Livre Language Italian Collection Fonti per la storia dell'arte e dell'architettura ; Num. 2. Source Reprint of the 1639 edition (Roma: Andrea Fei, 1639). ; 1990 ; 235 p.; 10 ill.; bibliogr.; index Publisher Archivio Guido Izzi, Roma (ita) Publication country Italy Abstract
Reprint, with a new introduction and notes, of Baglione's 1639 guidebook to the major pilgrimage churches of Rome. Subject
Origin Database BHA (Inist-CNRS/GRI)
Identifier 19910101-00448959
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