Figure del Barocco in Piemonte : la corte, la città, i cantieri, le provincie. 1988, 387 p., ill. (98 col.); bibliogr.
Cassa di risparmio di Torino, Torino (ita)
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Contains six essays on 17th c. Baroque art and architecture for the Savoy court in Turin and Piemonte: Isabella Massabò Ricci and Claudio Rosso on the court as representation of sovereign power; Michela Di Macco on court painters and ducal acquisitions for the picture gallery, 1630-1684; Camilla Barelli and Silvia Ghisotti on decoration and furniture in Venaria Reale; Giuseppe Dardanello on court patronage and decorative projects in Turin; Simona Cerutti on the citizens of Turin and the subjects of His Highness; Giovanni Romano on local resistance to Turinese rule.
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