Author Bruyn, J. (Contributor); Haak, B. (Contributor); Levie, S. H. (Contributor); Thiel, P. J. J. van (Contributor); Wetering, E. van de (Contributor); Peese Binkhorst-Hoffscholte, L. (Contributor); Vis, J. (Contributor); Cook-Radmore, D. (Translator)Document type Livre Language English Source ill. (some col.); bibliogr.; index ; xv, 803 p. ; 1989ISBN 9024737818 Publisher M. Nijhoff, Dordrecht (NLD) Publication country Netherlands Abstract
Catalogue raisonné of Rembrandt's paintings from the years 1635-1642, incorporating the results of scientific analysis. Subject
Origin Database BHA (Inist-CNRS/GRI)
Identifier 19910701-00453987
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