Rodchenko family workshop. 1989, 85 p., ill. (32 col.); sel. bibliogr.; biog. sum.
Serpentine Gallery, London (gbr)
Publication country
United Kingdom
Photography, graphics, designs for theatre, clothing, textiles and furniture, by Aleksandr Rodčenko and Varvara Stepanova. Includes a selection of work by five other living artists, all family members based in the Moscow studio. Catalogue provides a background to their work and ideas, and includes excerpts from Stepanova's diaries 1919-1940.
12 Dec 1989-28 Jan 1990 ; Serpentine Gallery ; London (GBR) ; United Kingdom
27 Oct-3 Dec 1989 ; Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum ; Glasgow (GBR) ; United Kingdom
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