Folly & vice : the art of satire and social criticism Author Wood, Marcus (Author of introductory parts)Document type Catalogue d'exposition Language English Source Folly & vice : the art of satire and social criticism . 1989, 63 p., 37 ill.; 130 works shownISBN 1853320536 Publisher South Bank Centre, London (gbr) Publication country United Kingdom Abstract
Prints and drawings, 16th to 20th cs. Catalogue includes anthology of writings on humour and satire with thematic entries. Exhibition 10 Feb-18 Mar 1990 ; York City Art Gallery ; York (GBR) ; United Kingdom 12 May-24 June 1990 ; Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery ; Birmingham (GBR) ; United Kingdom 16 Dec 1989-3 Feb 1990 ; Bolton Museum and Art Gallery ; Bolton (Lancs, GBR) ; United Kingdom 31 Mar-6 May 1990 ; Royal Albert Memorial Museum ; Exeter (GBR) ; United Kingdom Subject
Origin Database BHA (Inist-CNRS/GRI)
Identifier 19910701-00454196
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