Author Vellev, Jens (Editor)Document type Livre (actes de congrès) Language Danish ; Swedish Conference title Skandinaviske symposium om romanske stenarbejder (1st, 1985, Viborg) Collection Romanske stenarbejder ; Num. 4. Source Skandinaviske symposium om romanske stenarbejder (1st, 1985, Viborg) . 1989, 226 p., 326 ill.; bibliogr.ISBN 8787270234 Publisher Hikuin, Viborg (dnk) Publication country Denmark Abstract
Ten articles on Romanesque stonework from 12th c. Scandinavian churches. Subject
Composed of 19910701-00455969 ; 19910701-00455970 ; 19910701-00455971 ; 19910701-00455972 ; 19910701-00455973 ; 19910701-00455974 ; 19910701-00455975 ; 19910701-00455976 ; 19910701-00455977 ; 19910701-00455978 .Origin Database BHA (Inist-CNRS/GRI)
Identifier 19910701-00455968
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