Author Wilson, Christopher (Editor)Document type Livre (actes de congrès) Language English Collection British Archaeological Association conference transactions ; Num. 9. Source Medieval art and architecture in the East Riding of Yorkshire . 1989, 194, [35] p., ill.; maps; plans; bibliogr. ref.ISBN 0901286230 Publisher British Archaeological Association, London (gbr) Publication country United Kingdom Abstract
British Archaeological Association conference transactions for the year 1983. Subject
Composed of 19910701-00456023 ; 19910701-00456024 ; 19910701-00456025 ; 19910701-00456026 ; 19910701-00456027 ; 19910701-00456028 ; 19910701-00456029 ; 19910701-00456030 ; 19910701-00456031 ; 19910701-00456032 ; 19910701-00456033 ; 19910701-00456034 .Origin Database BHA (Inist-CNRS/GRI)
Identifier 19910701-00456022
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