American realism abroad : an exhibition of nine American realist artists from Florence, Italy, and Paris, France
Document type
Catalogue d'exposition
American realism abroad : an exhibition of nine American realist artists from Florence, Italy, and Paris, France. 1989, 32 p., ill. (some col.); biog. sum.
Colby College Museum of Art, Waterville, ME (usa)
Publication country
United States
Paintings, mainly 1980s.
12 May-7 July 1990 ; Wichita Art Museum ; Wichita (KS, USA) ; United States
18 Feb-1 Apr 1990 ; Butler Institute of American Art ; Youngstown (OH, USA) ; United States
3 Dec 1989-31 Jan 1990 ; Colby College, Museum of Art ; Waterville (ME, USA) ; United States
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