Making their mark : women artists move into the mainstream, 1970-85. 1989, 300 p., ill. (some col.); bibliogr.; exh. list
Abbeville, New York (usa)
Publication country
United States
Exhibition and catalogue focus on American women artists active during the period 1970-1985, a unique moment in American art history when women played a dominant and catalytic role in redirecting and redefining the interest of mainstream art. Catalogue features seven essays by Randy Rosen, Ellen G. Landau, Calvin Tomkins, Judith E. Stein and Ann-Sargent Wooster, Thomas McEvilley, Marcia Tucker, and Ferris Olin and Catherine C. Brawer.
20 Oct-31 Dec 1989 ; Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts ; Philadelphia (PA, USA) ; United States
22 Feb-2 Apr 1989 ; Cincinnati Art Museum ; Cincinnati (OH, USA) ; United States
22 July-10 Sept 1989 ; Denver Art Museum ; Denver (CO, USA) ; United States
6 May-18 June 1989 ; New Orleans Museum of Art ; New Orleans (LA, USA) ; United States
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