The artist face to face : two centuries of self-portraits from the Paris collection of Gérald Schürr Author Schürr, Gérald ; Narischkine, Nathalie (Contributor)Document type Catalogue d'exposition Language English Source The artist face to face : two centuries of self-portraits from the Paris collection of Gérald Schürr . 1989, 40 p., ill.; biog. sum.ISBN 0915577178 Publisher Taft Museum, Cincinnati (usa) Publication country United States Abstract
Exhibition of 200 paintings and drawings from the 18th through 20th cs. Exhibition 15 Sept-27 Oct 1989 ; Taft Museum ; Cincinnati (OH, USA) ; United States Subject
Origin Database BHA (Inist-CNRS/GRI)
Identifier 19910701-00456400
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