Julio Gonzalez, sculptures & drawings Author Curtis, Penelope (Contributor); Gibbons, John (Contributor)Document type Catalogue d'exposition Language English Source Julio Gonzalez, sculptures & drawings . 1990, 87 p., sel. bibliogr.; exh. list; biog. sum.; 78 works shownISBN 0854880879 Publisher South Bank Centre, London (gbr) / Whitechapel Art Gallery, London (gbr) Publication country United Kingdom Exhibition 11 Aug-16 Sept 1990 ; Graves Art Gallery ; Sheffield (GBR) ; United Kingdom 15 June-5 Aug 1990 ; Whitechapel Art Gallery ; London (GBR) ; United Kingdom 21 Apr-3 June 1990 ; Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum ; Glasgow (GBR) ; United Kingdom Subject
Origin Database BHA (Inist-CNRS/GRI)
Identifier 19910701-00456426
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