Robert Moskowitz Author Rifkin, Ned Document type Catalogue d'exposition Language English Source Robert Moskowitz . 1989, 208 p., ill. (some col.); sel. bibliogr.; exh. list; biog. sum.ISBN 0500091994 Publisher Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, Smithsonian Institution, in assoc. with Thames and Hudson, Washington, DC (usa) Publication country United States Abstract
Retrospective exhibition of paintings and drawings 1957-1987. Exhibition 20 Oct 1989-7 Jan 1990 ; Museum of Contemporary Art, San Diego ; La Jolla (CA, USA) ; United States 21 June-17 Sept 1989 ; Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden ; Washington, DC (USA) ; United States 9 Feb-24 Apr 1990 ; Museum of Modern Art ; New York (NY, USA) ; United States Subject
Origin Database BHA (Inist-CNRS/GRI)
Identifier 19910701-00456432
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