Theatergarden bestiarium : the garden as theater as museum. 1990, 176 p., ill.; plans; bibliogr. ref.; index
Institute for Contemporary Art, P.S. 1 Museum, Long Island City, NY (usa)
Publication country
United States
Collaborative installation by 13 artists framed within the context of an essay by Rüdiger Schöttle--Bestiarium: Theater and Garden of Violence, War, and Happiness. The project investigates the transformation of the Renaissance garden into the contemporary museum spectacle and the simultaneous growth of the modern city and art viewing public.
15 Jan-12 Mar 1989 ; P.S. 1 Contemporary Art Center ; New York (NY, USA) ; United States
26 June-30 July 1989
29 Sept-29 Nov 1989 ; Confort moderne ; Poitiers (FRA) ; France
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