Bury St. Edmunds, a seventeenth-century art centre Author Edmond, Mary Document type Article (journal) Language English Source Volume of the Walpole Society . 1987, Vol. 53, p. 106-118, 3 ill. ISSN 0141-0016 Abstract
Focuses on five painters and miniaturists: John Cradock, Mary Beale, Nathaniel Thach, Nathaniel Bacon and Matthew Snelling. Subject
General history of art -- 1400-1800 -- Pictorial arts -- Painting and drawing -- United Kingdom Painting Miniatures Great Britain 1600-1700 Bury Saint Edmunds (GBR) Cradock, John, ca.1595-1652 Beale, Mary, 1633-1699 Thach, Nathaniel, 1617-after 1652 Bacon, Nathaniel, 1585-1627 Snelling, Matthew, 1621-1678 Subject
Histoire générale de l'art -- 1400-1800 -- Peinture et arts graphiques -- Peinture et dessin -- Royaume-Uni Peinture Miniature (portrait) Grande-Bretagne 1600-1700 Bury Saint Edmunds (GBR) Cradock, John, v.1595-1652 Beale, Mary, 1633-1699 Thach, Nathaniel, 1617-ap.1652 Bacon, Nathaniel, 1585-1627 Snelling, Matthew, 1621-1678 Origin Database BHA (Inist-CNRS/GRI)
Identifier 19911001-00459784
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