History of Art Bibliography



Selection :


Surrealism and women

Raaberg, Gwen; Caws, Mary Ann; Kuenzli, Rudolf; Hubert, Renée Riese; Belton, Robert J.; Miller, Stephen Robeson; Colvile, Georgiana M. M.; Cauvin, Jean-Pierre; Orenstein, Gloria Feman; Mallin, Judith Young; Tanning, Dorothea
Document type
Article (journal)
Dada surrealism. 1990, Num. 18, 1-2 40, 57 ill.
Abstract (en)
Volume consists of 15 essays on the theme of women and surrealist art and literature, focusing on the relationship of particular women writers and artists to the surrealist movement. Introductory essays by Gwen Raaberg, Mary Ann Caws and Rudolf Kuenzli, deal with problems involved with the study of women and surrealism, particularly the attitudes of male surrealists toward women. Eight articles deal with women visual artists: "From Déjeuner en fourrure to Caroline: Meret Oppenheim's chronicle of surrealism," by Renée Riese Hubert; "Speaking with forked tongues: 'male' discourse in 'female' surrealism?" and "Androgyny: interview with Meret Oppenheim," by Robert J. Belton; "In the interim: the constructivist surrealism of Kay Sage," by Stephen Robeson Miller; "Beauty and/is the beast: animal symbology in the work of Leonora Carrington, Remedios Varo and Leonor Fini," by Georgiana M.M. Colvile; "Valentine, André, Paul et les autres, or the surrealization of Valentine Hugo," by Jean-Pierre Cauvin; "Refashioning the world to the image of female desire: the collages of Aube Elléouët," by Gloria Feman Orenstein; "Eileen Agar," by Judith Young Mallin. A statement by artist Dorothea Tanning and chronologies of women surrealists completes the volume.
Subject (en)
Subject (fr)


DatabaseBHA (Inist-CNRS/GRI)


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