Two eighteenth-century studies of Greek coin hoards : Bayer and Pellerin Author Kinns, Philip Document type Article (acte de congrès) Language English Conference title Medals and coins from Budé to Mommsen Author (monograph) Crawford, M. H. (Editor, Collective Author); Ligota, C. R. (Editor, Collective Author); Trapp, J. B. (Editor, Collective Author)Source Medals and coins from Budé to Mommsen . 1990, 101-114, 4 ill.Publisher Warburg Institute, London (gbr) Publication country United Kingdom Abstract
Examines the approach taken by the respective authors, G.S. Bayer and Joseph Pellerin, in their publications of Greek coin hoards. Subject
Origin Database BHA (Inist-CNRS/GRI)
Identifier 19920701-00427743
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