Den evige sandheds ophør : Helge Bertram, Spillets regler, 1984 Author Poulsen, Hanne Kolind Document type Article (livre) Language Danish Book title Kunstvaerkets krav : 27 fortolkninger af danske kunstvaerker Author (monograph) Bencard, Ernst Jonas (Editor, Collective Author); Kold, Anders (Editor, Collective Author); Meyer, Peter S. (Editor, Collective Author)Source Kunstvaerkets krav : 27 fortolkninger af danske kunstvaerker . 1990, p. 281-294, 2 ill.Publisher P. Fogtdal, København (dnk) Publication country Denmark Abstract
On a series of four oil paintings in a private Danish collection. Subject
Origin Database BHA (Inist-CNRS/GRI)
Identifier 19920701-00428152
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