The 1960s : notes on Camelot Author Adams, Brooks ; Joachimides, Christos M. (Editor, Collective Author); Rosenthal, Norman (Editor, Collective Author); Anfam, David (Editor, Collective Author)Document type Article (catalogue d'exposition) Language English Book title American art in the 20th century : painting and sculpture, 1913-1993 Source American art in the 20th century : painting and sculpture, 1913-1993 . 1993, 107-115, 11 ill.Publisher Prestel, Munich (deu) Publication country Germany Abstract
Survey of Pop art and its non-objective analogue, post-painterly abstraction; focuses on Warhol, Johns, and Rauschenberg. Subject
Origin Database BHA (Inist-CNRS/GRI)
Identifier 19950401-00312187
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