Originally presented as the author's thesis: Frankfurt am Main, 1990. ; 1994 ; 192 p.; 49 ill.; bibliogr.; index
Gebr. Mann, Berlin (deu)
Publication country
Considers the tradition of commemorative and sepulchral monuments in 15th c. Florence. The author discusses a variety of examples in both painting and sculpture (metal as well as marble). She covers the monuments of humanists, military commanders, political leaders, and artists. Among some of the works discussed are Uccello's fresco John Hawkwood (Florence, Santa Maria del Fiore), Castagno's fresco Niccolò da Tolentino (Florence, Santa Maria del Fiore), Rossellino's Tomb of Leonardo Bruni (Florence, Santa Croce), and the Brunelleschi wall monument in Santa Maria del Fiore.
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