Revivals! : diverse traditions, 1920-1945 : the history of twentieth-century American craft. 1994, 31-40, 9 ill.
American Craft Museum, New York (usa) / H.N. Abrams, New York (usa)
Publication country
United States
Surveys the political, economic, and social context of crafts in America, 1920-1945; examines the impact of world war and the Depression, as well as the effects of racism on diverse crafts-producing cultures, especially African Americans; focuses on the Colonial Revival, commenting on its nationalistic associations and on the part played in its dissemination by Henry Ford's Greenfield Village (Dearborn) and John D. Rockefeller Jr.'s Colonial Williamsburg; also comments on the sponsorship of crafts during the New Deal, by Eleanor Roosevelt, and by the WPA under Holger Cahill.
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