A time of transition : contemporary printmaking from Russia and Ukraine Author Ford, Peter ; Higgott, Christine ; Stoddard, Sheena Document type Catalogue d'exposition Language English Source 20 ill. ; 43 p. ; 1992 Publisher Bristol City Museum and Art Gallery, Bristol (gbr) Publication country United Kingdom Exhibition 10-26 May 1994 ; Flaxman Gallery ; Stoke-on-Trent (GBR) ; United Kingdom 13-29 Jan 1994 ; Ceri Richards Gallery ; Swansea (GBR) ; United Kingdom 14 Nov 1992-10 Jan 1993 ; City of Bristol Museum and Art Gallery ; Bristol (GBR) ; United Kingdom 22 Oct-26 Nov 1994 ; Royal Cornwall Museum ; Truro (GBR) ; United Kingdom 26 Mar-16 May 1993 ; Ferens Art Gallery ; Hull (GBR) ; United Kingdom 7 Sept-2 Oct 1994 ; Bankside Gallery ; London (GBR) ; United Kingdom 9-30 Oct 1993 ; Ramsgate Library, Museum and Gallery ; Ramsgate (GBR) ; United Kingdom Referenced by 19950401-00314414 Origin Database BHA (Inist-CNRS/GRI)
Identifier 19950401-00314412
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