Adriaen van Ostade : etchings of peasant life in Holland's Golden Age Author Phagan, Patricia ; Pelletier, S. William ; Slatkes, Leonard J. ; Stone-Ferrier, Linda Document type Catalogue d'exposition Language English Source ill. (4 col.) ; 284 p. ; 1994 Publisher Georgia Museum of Art, Athens, GA (usa) Publication country United States Exhibition 24 Jan-13 Mar 1994 ; University of Georgia, Georgia Museum of Art ; Athens (GA, USA) ; United States 25 Mar-14 May 1994 ; University of Kansas, Spencer Museum of Art ; Lawrence (KS, USA) ; United States 26 Aug-15 Oct 1994 ; University of Michigan, Museum of Art ; Ann Arbor (MI, USA) ; United States Referenced by 19950401-00314419 Origin Database BHA (Inist-CNRS/GRI)
Identifier 19950401-00314418
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