History of Art Bibliography



Selection :


Learning from the history of preventive conservation

Koller, Manfred
Document type
Article (acte de congrès)
Conference title
Preventive conservation practice, theory and research : preprints of the contributions to the Ottawa Congress, 12-16 September 1994
Author (monograph)
Roy, Ashok (Editor, Collective Author); Smith, Perry (Editor, Collective Author)
Preventive conservation practice, theory and research : preprints of the contributions to the Ottawa Congress, 12-16 September 1994. 1994, 1-7, 6 ill.
International Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works, London (gbr)
Publication country
United Kingdom
Abstract (en)
Preventive conservation has been used at least since Greek and Roman antiquity. The author focuses on three main periods: medieval, Renaissance/baroque and the 19th c. The paper reviews methods of building for isolation, ventilation and climatic stability, drawing on contemporary texts and known examples. Preventive measures are divided into passive, produced by the structure of the building (climate control, moisture barriers, surface protection), and active (periodic cleaning, care and renewal of protective layers). Historical methods with respect to wall paintings, sculpture and pictures [paintings] are also documented. Practical experience of re-using historical methods with some new modifications is briefly discussed, with reference to the concept of sacrificial layers, indoors and out.
Subject (en)
Subject (fr)


DatabaseBHA (Inist-CNRS/GRI)


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