Interprets the astronomical and geographical maps in the Villa Farnese at Caprarola in terms of the ideology of its patron, Cardinal Alessandro Farnese. The decoration - programmed by Cardinal Farnese, Fulvio Orsini, and Orazio Trigini de' Marii, and executed by Giovanni de' Vecchi, Raffaellino da Reggio, and Giovanni Antonio Vanosino da Varese - is read as a sign system constituting meaning within biblical history and the major discourses of the Counter-Reformation, including the nature and claims of the Christian Commonwealth, challenges to papal authority and Church doctrine, and the conflicts of interest between the papacy and family dynasties. (Appendices with correspondence by Fulvio Orsini to Cardinal Farnese, 1573-1575; and information concerning de' Marii and Giovanni Antonio Vanosino).
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