Archives & museum informatics technical report ; Num. 20.
International Conference of the Museum Documentation Association (6th, 1993, Cambridge). 1993, xvi, 436 p., ill.; diagrams; bibliogr. ref.; index; biog. sum.
Museum Documentation Association, Cambridge (gbr)
Publication country
United Kingdom
Presents the proceedings of the Sixth International Conference of the MDA and the Second International Conference on Hypermedia and Interactivity in Museums (ICHIM 1993). Section I, Applications in Museums: multimedia collection databases, multimedia in exhibitions, multimedia in interpretation, the city as a model for hypermedia applications, local and wide area networking, low cost software applications. Section II, Design and Development: design principles and concept, interface issues, retrieval strategies, standards, legal and copyright issues, publishing and distributing. Section III, Impact and Implications of Multimedia: international co-operation, national developments, inter-institutional co-operation, impact on museum profession, changing institutional environments, impact on schools and museum studies.
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