Historical painting techniques, materials, and studio practice : preprints of a symposium, University of Leiden, the Netherlands, 26-29 June 1995. 1995, 30-37, 6 ill. (2 col.)
Getty Conservation Institute, [Marina del Rey, CA] (usa)
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The Roberson Archive, the archive of the artists' colorman, Roberson & Co. (1819-1985) is housed at the Hamilton Kerr Institute in Cambridge. Roberson was one of the most important colormen in 19th c. London. The material in the archive gives detailed information about the internal workings of the company and its relations to both its customers and suppliers. It is the largest artists' colorman archive in the United Kingdom and covers the period from 1815 to 1944, providing a record of the materials and techniques of many of the leading 19th and 20th c. British artists.
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